Meet 605 Magazine’s multimedia designer Tyson Schultz. Tyson is the newest addition to our team, working under the wing of 605’s Yany Avelar, so we asked him a few questions to get to know him better.
IN MY FREE TIME I LIKE TO… design stickers, go see movies, and play with one of my pets (two cats and three dogs).
MY GO-TO SPOTS IN SIOUX FALLS ARE… Falls Park, Sickies Garage Burgers & Brews, and Josiah’s Coffeehouse & Cafe.
IF I WEREN’T DESIGNING, I WOULD BE… at home in Minnesota, probably helping my brother out on the farm.
IF I COULD ONLY BRING ONE ITEM WITH ME TO A DESERT ISLAND, IT WOULD BE… “A Physician’s Desk Reference…. hollowed out, inside: waterproof matches, iodine tablets, beet seeds, protein bars, NASA blanket and, in case I get bored Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. No, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Question: did my shoes come off in the plane crash?” – Dwight Schrute
Or my cat, Jackson.
MY DREAM CELEBRITY LUNCH WOULD BE WITH… Kanye West. I think we’d hit up Burger Time.
MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT SOUTH DAKOTA IS… that Sioux Falls has an awesome artistic and design community. It seems like there is always something fun going on.
ONE THING I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO WHILE WORKING AT 605 IS… learning new skills, like using InDesign and Lightroom. And widening my design palette.
IF I WERE AN ANIMAL, I WOULD BE A…White Throated Needletail, which is the fastest animal in powered flight, with a recorded speed of 106 MPH.
ONE THING I COULD NEVER LIVE WITHOUT IS… probably Sun Drop. It’s like a giant pipeline of refreshment channeled directly to you, for the sole purpose of quenching your thirst.
IF I COULD LIVE IN ANY MOVIE, IT WOULD BE… Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. I love Bill Hader, and food falling from the sky to near apocalypse? Seems like a no brainer.