“I stumbled upon the interest of graphic design,” shared Tom Bates.
Growing up in Waverly, Iowa, a career in art and design remained foreign to Bates until his mother introduced him to the term “graphic design.”
“I grew up with an interest in art and was naturally good at it,” explained Bates. “Everyone knew me as the guy who could draw. Even my middle school assessment test pointed me in the direction of art.”
Despite this knowledge, Bates decided to pursue mechanical engineering at St. Cloud State University. It didn’t take long before he realized this route was not for him.
“My mom, understanding me better than I understood myself, again suggested I pursue graphic design,” admitted Bates. “I left my physics homework on the library table and wandered to the art building where the Kiehle Visual Arts Center gallery director, Justin Quinn, sat with me and educated me about the possibilities of design.”
Bates transferred to South Dakota State University, as a transfer athlete for the men’s track and field team, and dove into a new artistic world.
“I found a mentor in Young Ae Kim that taught me how to think conceptually and educated me on the vast possibilities of what a career in graphic design can be,” shared Bates. “She’s been a big influence on my design career.”
Now, Bates shares his artisan work as a senior graphic designer at Fresh Produce and explores other creative interests independently.

Bates has curated a plethora of skills and work for his portfolio, sharing it throughout the Sioux Falls community and beyond.
“My goal as an artist is to hopefully delight myself and other people,” said Bates. “Being intentional about adding delight to the work and creative process is valuable and if I can stay passionate about it, so will the people who engage with it.”
Read more about Bates’ art story, favorite projects, his Etsy shop, and more.
I started sharing my art because…
the act of sharing art is a creative process in its own right. As a graphic designer, it’s key to separate yourself emotionally from your work and allow yourself to think critically about what is trying to be accomplished. Sharing work and embracing the next challenge is a beneficial practice.
The best part of my job is…
knowing that I chose a career in art and design. Label it as an entrepreneurial mindset, but I’m passionate about effecting positive change and adding value to people’s lives through art and design.
One of my favorite projects with Fresh Produce has been…
designing logos for Black Hills State University and Maguire (formerly known as Maguire Iron). The process was a rewarding challenge and the team on the client’s side was terrific to collaborate with.
Fun Fact:
Bates was hired as a student designer at BluePrint, the student-run design/print center on SDSU’s campus, before beginning formal classes.

My favorite personal design project has been…
designing the brand identity for the Great Plains Climbing Coalition. Witnessing their dedication to community education and stewardship of the rock climbing landscapes in eastern South Dakota is truly motivating. I’m glad I was able to be a small part of it and help them with their future goals.
What people might not know about my art is…
that it changes. My art is based on being curious and experimenting. At Fresh Produce, we have a company ethics called the Mystic Truths. One of them is “Live an Interested Life.” It’s a reminder that I’m allowed to permit myself to try new experiences.
My favorite art medium to delve into is…
digital. I love exploring the possibilities of what the tools on my computer can do.
I started my Etsy shop because…
I found that people were interested in purchasing what I was making. OnlyBirdArt is full of geometric illustrations of birds. It began as a self-initiated creative exercise to explore a new design aesthetic but then turned into something people were captivated by.
“the whole fresh produce office is surrounded by a wide variety of art where it’s a huge influence & source of inspiration for me & the crew.” Tom Bates

Something I’m working on that I’m excited about is…
“Season Two” of my bird art. My first series of birds was loosely based on state birds, but the second series is more focused on game birds, specifically around the Midwest. Look out for it this fall!
Something influencing me right now is…
Author Bill Bryson’s book, A Short History of Nearly Everything. The way he writes and describes theories about the universe, the solar system, and life on Earth is mesmerizing and humorous.
A dream I have for the future is…
to teach graphic design or the business of design in one form or another. Becoming a professor is extremely interesting to me, but the road to teaching comes in many different ways.

My favorite art medium is…
film. I’m a movie buff and a great film is a masterclass of many creative professions combined- music, writing, acting, photography, color, sound, editing, composition, and animation.
My advice to aspiring artists is…
to live an interested life. Explore and learn new things related and unrelated to art. The more experiences, skills, and memories you collect, the easier they can connect to ideas. To live an interesting life requires living an interested life.
When i walk around downtown Sioux Falls, one of my favorite places to stop by is…
Mama’s Ladas. It’s one of my top two favorite lunch spots in Sioux Falls.
“the reason why i keep going is the pursuit to be the best at my craft & to advocate for & support art & design.” Tom Bates

Keep Up with Bates
@tom.bates.design on Instagram
OnlyBirdArt on Etsy
My favorite thing to do at home is…
spend time with my wife, Peyton, and our dog, Bella. Peyton and I are both busy individually during the day, but the evenings are ours to share. We go on many nature walks, have game nights, and watch TV.
One thing i love about South Dakota is…
the openness and diversity of the landscape across the state. I’m blown away by all of the nature in the state that can be explored. It’s a large source of inspiration for me.
Something i want people to know about me is…
that I’m thankful for all of the people who have influenced and shaped me into the artist and designer I am today. I’m extremely happy that my passion is my job and I’m able to make a good living doing it.