Dustin Sinner’s first experience with sharing his art was in high school. Approached to create a pencil portrait for a local Make-A-Wish fundraiser, he soon saw the emotions that a simple sketch could invoke.
“That was the moment I realized the effect art can have on people,” remembered Sinner.
The Watertown painter’s interest in art dates back as early as elementary school, but solidified in his final years of high school under the instruction of an inspiring photography and drawing teacher.
As his interest in the field grew, he began to look into different options for art education and careers.
Sinner graduated from the University of Sioux Falls in 2006 with a degree in Fine Arts, with concentrations in painting and photography.

“I enjoy seeing the different emotions that art can bring out of people.” -Dustin Sinner
With smaller class sizes and one-on-one instruction from his professions, Sinner says that USF was a great school to attend for the type of education he was looking for.
“Two of my professors, Ceca Cooper and Bryan Holland, had a great deal to do with my growth as an artist at the time,” he said. “They opened my eyes to the larger view of the art world and how to approach telling my story as an artist.”
For the last 18 years, he has run Dustin Sinner Fine Art, Inc. with the goal of creating a living doing what he loves.
Read more about the painter, his inspiration and travels, and his favorite piece of art he has ever created.
My artistic style is…
a melting pot of artistic techniques and styles. I create a lot of my paintings using a variety of brush and palette knife techniques. I love to build texture in my works to help give the pieces more depth as well as create a signature look. Text and graphics are also used a lot in my art for composition and storytelling purposes.
What I love about art is…
that there is no wrong or right way to go about it. People can have their opinions on the work, but that doesn’t make it wrong or right. No matter what process you used to apply the paint, expose the film, or sculpt the clay, it doesn’t matter as long as what you created is something you are proud of. That might not mean everyone will like it, but the process of creating art is what I love the most.
When I’m in a creative rut…
I relax and watch a movie. I also love to get out of town for a weekend for some good food, drinks, and experiences to get my mind stimulated with new ideas. New views always seem to solve a creative rut.

Dustin’s Advice
Don’t let anyone say, “You can’t make a living as an artist” or “You aren’t talented enough” to become one. Hard work and determination go a long way. Work to continue developing your skills and never give up. Listen to criticism but don’t take it personally.
I’ve traveled to…
Greece and Italy as of recently. In my high school days I was fortunate to be invited to join a large group of South Dakota band and choir students that toured through Europe. That trip was extraordinarily inspiring for me at that time of my life. Something that I still look back on to this day as something that helped define me as a young man. My wife and I love to travel, whether it is in the states or internationally. We love to explore cultures, art, entertainment, food, you name it. The experiences while traveling help us grow as adults, while simultaneously keeping us youthful.
If I wasn’t an artist…
I would have been a goldsmith. My job while in high school and college was working for Riddle’s Jewelry as a goldsmith where I sized rings and completed other entry-level goldsmith projects. I learned a lot of great business skills from my boss, Scott Riddle, that I still use today in my business.
One thing I love about South Dakota is…
that it will always be home. No matter where we have traveled, South Dakota has the best people on the planet!

Something that is influencing me right now is…
nostalgia. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I love to create pieces that tell a little story of the past. I have a unique memory in the fact that I can remember so many random details from my childhood and stories I have been told. It’s fun to use different nostalgic elements to help others visualize my thoughts.
My favorite way to spend my free time is…
with my wife experiencing what the world has to offer. Playing golf with my family and friends. Getting outside in the fall to do some hunting with my vizsla, Link, or meditating in a tree stand during deer season. And I can’t forget about lake life in South Dakota. We might only get three months of it, but I like to take full advantage.
My go-to coffee order is…
a large chai latte with a shot of espresso.

Dustin offers custom paintings and will work creatively and collaboratively with clients to help turn their vision into art.
I couldn’t do it without…
my wife! She has been my partner in crime for over 20 years and there is nobody else that could have put up with this art mind as well as she has. Some of my favorite memories with her come from when we were just youngsters and started a photography studio. Looking back at those years, and seeing the growth we both have had since the start makes me really emotional and happy. Life isn’t always easy, but it can be a little easier with the right person at your side.
My favorite piece I’ve ever made is…
a large abstract I created for my sister and brother-in-law’s new home about 10 years ago. Up to that point I was working full time with my wife as a graphic designer and re-toucher for our photography business and it had been about eight years since I had touched a paint brush. That was the new beginning of my art journey, and it’s fun to see that I’m coming up on my 10th anniversary of getting back into it.
I balance my work and home life by…
working late and pushing hard when needed so I can enjoy all the fun I can.

“Some of my favorite artworks or techniques happened because of happy accidents.”
-Dustin Sinner
A style, medium, or subject I won’t pursue is…
I’m down for whatever. I’m trying to take down all boundaries to continue my growth as an artist.
The best part of my job is…
surprising myself on what I can create. I used to think I had to stay in a specific box as an artist and only create one look to tell my story. Over the last couple years I have thrown that concept out the window and I have started to create, in my opinion, some of my best works of art.